
Monday, February 15, 2010

My son is a genius, so I thought.

Last night, I changed Hudson's diaper in the living room.  He picked it up off the floor and was carrying it around.  He began walking into the kitchen, so I followed him to show him where the trash can was.  I pointed to it and he actually dropped it in the trash can.  I was SO impressed.  I walked back into the living room assuming Hudson would follow.  Instead, he was side tracked by the dogs outside and watched them play out the back door a few minutes.  About 2 minutes later, Hudson walked back into the living room with the diaper he JUST put into the dirty trash can.  Needless to say, I immediately grabbed a wipe and cleaned off his hands.  Yuck.  So much for my genius child.


  1. He is a genius!!! He KNOWS the diapers belong in the diaper genie NOT the trashcan!!! He's a brilliant as ever!

  2. haha! That is so cute!! This is such a funny age! Brogan climbed in the bathtub yesterday and almost cracked his noggin!
