
Saturday, January 31, 2009

8 pound big boy!

Hudson had another weigh in at the pediatrician's office yesterday.... he's an ENORMOUS 8 lbs and 1.5 ounces- YEAH! He's growing and growing everyday- he hardly looks like the same baby he was 2 1/2 weeks ago. I can't even imagine what he will look like this time next year.
Thursday we headed back to Dallas for his orthodontist appointment. It was pretty traumatic. Thankfully, the doctor warned us how he would potentially react to having molds taken of his mouth, so I was prepared for his screaming bloody murder and holding his breath. Poor baby. It was probably harder on me than it was on him. :( His "retainer" will be ready next week, and we'll head back to Dallas to have it fitted. He'll have to wear it all the time for the next 9 months, and probably have to have multiple ones made as he grows. We'll have to clean it after every feeding and he'll keep it in his mouth with denture cream. WhoEVER thought I'd be buying and using denture cream on my almost 3 week old. Interesting,...
Other than being bombarded by a massive amount of doctor appointments this week (5 to be exact!), all is well on the home front. This baby is loved by more people than he'll ever know. He's received lots of presents, and probably won't have to wear the same outfit more than once for the next year! He's a bit spoiled to say the least!
That's all for now!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Appointments, Appointments and MORE Appointments!

Let the fun begin!
Hudson took his first trip to the "big city" (a.k.a Dallas) yesterday, luckily it was pretty uneventful and everything went very smoothly. He really liked being in the car, and pretty much slept the whole time.
Our first appointment was with his plastic surgeon, David Genecov( Genecov looked at his lip and mouth for all of about 20 seconds- the guy has done this surgery SO many times I think he could probably do it while he was asleep or even with his eyes closed. I think Hudson is in very good hands. He did mention Hudson will have to wear an "appliance" (or a very small retainer) in his mouth until his palate surgery in 9 months. So,... we have an appointment with a cleft lip/palate specialist orthodontist tomorrow, back in Dallas, to get him fitted for his retainer. We met next with his speech pathologist, Dr. Sperry. She observed us feeding Hudson just in case she could offer any suggestions to help us with his special bottle. After watching Hudson chug down 2 ounces in 5 minutes she quickly realized he (and we) were doing just fine. This little one LOVES his food!
Lastly, we set up his first surgery date which will be April 15th at Medical City in Dallas. This will be to reconstruct his lips/mouth. I will definitely be posting before and after pictures!
I think that's all for now!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hudson a.k.a "Studson"

Hello world! Here we are- as promised!!! Hudson will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. I can't believe it's already been TWO weeks. Time flies around here. He's getting bigger and bigger everyday- Yea! I honestly CANNOT believe he was in my belly. I do not understand how he actually "fit" inside there.

Friday, 1-23-09, we had our first doctor's appointment with the pediatrician. He weighed in at 7lb. 7oz- 2 ounces above his birth weight, the doctor was very impressed. He's eating VERY well, and can't seem to get enough! He's more and more alert each day. He's got beautiful dark blue eyes right now, I hope they stay that way!

Tomorrow Hudson meets the pediatric plastic surgeon and speech pathologist. We hope to set up his first surgery date. I'll be sure to let everyone know how the appointments go!
It's time for dinner, and mom's hungry- this baby business is tough work!

More news and PICTURES to come later...