
Monday, November 16, 2009

A day in the life of Hudson at the law office.

I'm sure a few of you have wondered "what does Hudson DO at a law office ALL DAY?" Well... here are a few pictures to illustrate my spoiled child's activities!
Sometimes Hudson will "chill" in his chair, take in a movie or two on his personal DVD player.
He LOVES to share a shaved ice with his Grammy!
Just hanging out, having a bottle!
The day in not complete without playing in his animal farm exersaucer.
And of course, Hudson loves jumpin' around in his Jumparoo!
There's always time to learn a new dance step or two with Ms. Barbara!


  1. Well isn't Hudson, Esq just adorable. I can't believe how big he's getting. We have got to get our boys together for a playdate. Kiss his cheeks for us girls in L&D.

  2. Everyday I am thankful for Pam and all the TLC she gives our little Hudson!!! What a blessing!
